Writing Prompt Friday #11

Do zombies poo? Given the amount of stuff zombies cram into their mouths, it's got to go somewhere, right? Given the amount of stuff zombies cram into their mouths, it's got to go somewhere, right? If we're talking actual dead zombies, not the alive but freakishly pissed off 28 Days Later style, then the internal …

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Zombie Question: Choices – Good, Bad or Donald Trump?

Let's say the outbreak has happened and there are hordes of undead roaming your neighbourhood. One of them has you cornered. There's no way to escape. You are going to be infected. Through some weird twist you are given a choice. Know you're a zombie with the chance of redemption or spend your days eating …

Continue reading Zombie Question: Choices – Good, Bad or Donald Trump?

Zombie Question: Killing a Zombie, Easy or Heartbreaking?

Zombies are everywhere these days. Quite right too as they're exciting, scary and a fantastic reason to grab your weapon of choice and go nuts with as much violence, bloodshed and all the last stands you can muster. I've been a fan of the undead for a long time. I love reading about them and …

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Irksome Memes, The Dog of Wisdom and Funky Bright

Greetings dear blog reader! This post starts with a complaint, of sorts. Not against a person as such, more directed at the internet. I like the internet. It's fun, informative, useful, and some might argue necessary in our modern world. Yeah, we'll see. The internet won't save you when the men come, with their guns. …

Continue reading Irksome Memes, The Dog of Wisdom and Funky Bright