Writing Tips Wednesday – Good Old Advice

Every Wednesday I’ll be sharing some hints and tips about how to improve your writing. These are basic things I have learned over the years, from writers websites, published authors and constructive feedback from friends, family and online pals.

There is an argument that fiction writing cannot be taught because it comes from talent alone, it is in your nature to be creative. Whilst there is some truth in that, even the most creative person needs to learn how to use their ability and make the best of their craft.

This week: Good Old Advice

It’s been a hot and humid few days and the heat from my PC is melting my skin. So this week I’ve gathered together some links to help improve your writing.

5 Ways To Know If You’re Showing Or Telling

from Girls With Pens

Excellent lesson on how to show what a character is feeling or doing or thinking instead of just telling the reader. Girls With Pens have a good blog with plenty of writers tips, well worth an hour of your time.

A beginners guide to blogging: 10 tips to put into practice right away

from Novel Publishing Group

Good advice on how not to be so hard on yourself when blogging for the first time, we all make mistakes but it’s learning from them that counts. Novel Publishing Group has a good selection of handy guides from writing to publishing and how to use social media to showcase your work.

Five Good Grammar Habits Every Writer Should Adopt

from Writing Forward

Grammar tips all writers should know and use. Writing Forward has a range of advice pages from creative writing to writing ideas and prompts.

Hooking the Reader and Never Letting Go

from Kristen Lamb’s Blog

How to hook the reader by using conflict, amongst other things. Kristen Lamb is a social media guru, she knows he stuff and her blog has excellent posts, well written and very funny.


That’s all folks! I’ve booked nice weather for next week’s WTW, so hopefully the air won’t feel like hot wet soup and my PC will be in a better mood – it doesn’t like humidity very much, stupid computers.

If you have any writing tips and advice and feel like sharing, pop me an email or rant in the box below!

17 thoughts on “Writing Tips Wednesday – Good Old Advice

  1. Indigo Spider

    I have found Twitter is a great tool to hook-up with other writers at all levels and others in the publishing industry. There are fantastic tips sent out often if you follow the right people and it really can improve your writing/blogging no matter what your goals are (publish or just fun) — and even find support. Plus, you always know as soon as someone publishes something new because up pops a tweet 🙂

    As always, great tips. I look forward to your Wednesday writing tips since you never fail to give some great information!

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