Buddha Rocks – No Blur to Blur

My lonely tracks yearn for steam.

Whistles and thunder. Passengers and hope.

No steel wheels on polished rails.

No clickety clack on train tracks.

Golden age ransacked. Speed and haste.

Raging silence conquers desire for motion.

Long time to sit and wait.

Graced by tormenting blur. Swift. Silent.

Memories are relinquished by passing time.

Clacker jackers care not for steam.

Hasty lives spent on rubber wheels.

Slower pace never considered.  Only blur.

These images are called No Blur and Blur.

I thought these two went well together and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to build a small story around them. If you’d like to join in get yourself over to BuddhaRocks at deviantArt, choose a picture from his collection and write about it, link to his site or back to Filling a Hole and have a smile!

2 thoughts on “Buddha Rocks – No Blur to Blur

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